Hey I'm Justin,


Hey, I'm Justin

I'm a...



The ChatApp was my first ReactJS project. Allows for multidirectional communication between clients and server using an exspress and socketio backend. Feel free to try it out here. As my first project, it has only been styled for mobile devices. One day when I may come back to it.

  • Text communication
  • Accepts emojis
  • Joining and leaving messages
  • See how many users and usernames of who is online
  • Light && Dark mode


The Flag Game a simplistic yet fun way to test your knowledge. Able to play singleplayer and multiplayer to hones ones knowledge of countries flags.

  • Multiplayer
    • Receive and send real time game requests to others users in the lobby
    • Choose a unique name to generate pixel art of your character
  • Light && Dark mode